Top Drupal blog posts from February

Each month, we revisit our top Drupal blog posts of the month, giving you the chance to check out some of our favourites. Here’s a look at the top blog posts from February.


First one on the list is Drupal 8 controller callback argument resolving explained, where Matt Glaman from Commerce guys show us how Drupal knows to pass proper arguments to your controller method. He discusses how the controller's callback arguments are resolved and put into proper order in our method.


We continue our list with Drupal 8 Development on Windows - Best Practices? by Michael Anello, co-owner of DrupalEasy. He compares three Docker-based local development environments that involve a Drupal focus: Docksal, DDEV, and Lando. What are his conclusions? Which one would he recommend for standardization DrupalEasy’s online Drupal training classes? Check it out. 


The third spot is reserved for a blog post assembled from 3 parts:  Simple website approach using a Headless CMS; part 1, part 2 and part 3 by Paulo Gomes from Appnovation. It these blog post, Paulo is evaluating different solutions of Headless CMS. In further blog posts, he adds more details around that topic with practical examples of leveraging Cockpit CMS and React. In the last blog posts, he provides us with a frontend layer, where we interact with the CMS API to retrieve or send content. 


Let’s continue with January Accessibility (A11Y) Talks by Carie Fisher from Hook 42. In this blog post, Carie summarizes takeaways from their guest speaker in January, Ashley Bischoff. She gave out some solutions of how to write documents like reports and analysis in a way that everyone could understand them and get the best out of them. 


Ranking fifth is Capturing Webhooks in Drupal 8 by Joel Steidl, director of engineering at Aten Design Group. He displays us, how webhooks are keeping applications more up to date and running projects more efficiently. 


Our sixth choice is Install a Specific Version of PHP or Drush on Acquia Dev Desktop by Jigar Mehta from Evolving web. He shows us the issues they came across when working on a project with Acquia Dev Desktop and providing us with a solution.


The seventh blog post we would like to highlight is Accommodating Drupal in your components by Eric Huffman from Mediacurrent. As the component-driven approach to building Drupal 8 themes is becoming the standard, there are still some things we need to be aware of, especially newbies to Drupal, which can cost us some trouble in later on. If you want to know, which one, check Eric’s blog post. 


The next one is Travis - the need for speed by Áron Novák from Gizra. This blog post is for developers, who have a project with Travis integration. You can check how to optimize it or look what are the different possibilities. 


Ninth one in a row is Should I Re-use Existing Drupal Fields? by Steve Burge, CEO at OSTraining. He is answering the question of re-using fields since Drupal gives you the ability to do so. What are advantages and disadvantages of it?


And we conclude our list with the blog post with To PESOS or to POSSE? from Dries Buytaert, creator of Drupal and Acquia’s CTO. Dries is sharing with us his plan how to take over control of his data and different approaches to that. 



These are our top blogs from February … We will be collecting best Drupal blog post in March too. Stay tuned.