DrupalCon Prague 2022 – the first in-person European DrupalCon after 3 years

DrupalCon Prague 2022 – the first in-person European DrupalCon after 3 years image

Last month the long-anticipated DrupalCon Europe took place in Prague, back again as an in-person conference after three years. Agiledrop was a silver sponsor of the event, and as Head of Sales I was there representing the company along with our Client Advisor Jure.

There was a certain thrill in the buildup to the 2022 edition of the DrupalCon in Europe. For me personally, it probably had to do with the fact that almost exactly five years have passed since I attended my first one in Vienna. And it definitely had a lot to do with what the final numbers have confirmed.

And that is, that the Drupal community in Europe is very much alive and yearning for such events. It was a great experience by all standards. From the nearly hassle-free accessibility of Prague with its perfect location in the middle of Europe, to everything going on under the roof of the venue.

Being a part of the Drupal community for over 5 years now means that I have managed to grow a wide and diverse network in it. I’d already met with some friends and clients in 2022 either at Drupal DevDays in Ghent or at DrupalCon Portland. Some of them I saw before the whole COVID-19 ordeal, and with some I had lively online conversations during the past 2 years.

What struck me the most at DrupalCon Prague was the all-embracing nature of the event. I hoped for it, but never expected it to actually be present on such a high level. Of course, when attending such a conference, you tend to focus on it 100%, but there is usually this little reminder stuck somewhere in the back of your head that there is also some other work that needs to be done.

And this time around, with everything happening in Prague, I managed to bring all the work back home. And I don’t regret that a single bit. It was great “mingling” with people at DrupalCon. Some of my days even turned out to be too short to fit everyone in. For that I apologize, and I promise you I’ll do better next time.

And then there was this other thing that meant I had to step outside of my comfort zone. It is true that I used to work as a journalist many, many years ago, but I haven’t conducted interviews for well over a decade now. Shout out to Justin from Aten Design Group for a great stairway chat. You’ll be able to read more about it in the coming weeks – stay tuned.

All credit for the photos goes to Bram Driesen and the DrupalCon Europe team – big thanks to them for documenting everything. The entire photo gallery is available online, so you should check that out as well if you couldn’t make it to the conference.

We at Agiledrop are already planning for and looking forward to next year’s Drupal events. I can’t wait to reconnect with everyone there, especially those I didn’t manage to chat with this time around. See you all at the next DrupalCon!

Posted by Ales on 07 Oct 2022 in Drupal,Community