Top Drupal blog post from December

The most magical month of the year has ended. It didn't just bring us gifts but great Drupal blog posts as well. Let’s see which one we liked the most.


First one on the list is GraphQL for Drupalers - The fields by Blazej Owczarczyk  from Amazee Labs. It is the third article in the series of blog posts about GraphQl. This one talks about the fields, what exactly are they, and explains how do Drupal fields become GraphQL fields. Blazej also shows us different groups of Drupal fields with examples. 


We continue our list with Why now is the right time to move to Drupal 8 by InviqaRichard Jones, Inviqa’s CTO, shows us the benefits of upgrading to Drupal 8, talks about consideration for migrating and gives tips for a successful launch.  


The third spot is reserved for a blog post - Sevaa Explains Semantic HTML5 Tags by Nicole Smith from Sevaa group, explaining why and how to use semantic HTML5 tags, which consequently describes content, not appearance.



Let’s continue with New Target’s blog post 10 Best Practices for Building Drupal 8 Custom Modules in which they asked their developers, what are the main practices build custom modules for Drupal 8. 


Ranking fifth is Accelerate Drupal 8 by funding a Core Committer by Dries Buytaert from Acquia. Dries highlighted the challenges Drupal will have in order to reach the ambitious goals we have. He points out that funding a Core Committer is one of the most high-impact ways companies can contribute to Drupal. 


Our sixth choice is Editorial Calendars: The Project Manager of Content Strategy by Sara Tetreault from Forum One showing us what do we need to include in the editorial calendar if we want our content strategy to be successful. 



The seventh blog post we would like to highlight is The Drupal Digital Experience Stack from Michael Silverman, founder, and CEO of Duo Consulting. Michael compared the two different approaches to review content/marketing platforms. One is the “full-stack” approach favored by Forrester and then the second is “best-of-breed” model employed by Gartner.


The next one is Emulsify 2: Building a Full Site Header in Drupal by Evan Willhite from Four Kitchens. This blog post is actually a tutorial of building full site header with a logo, menu, and a search form, starting with a plan and all further steps. 


And we conclude our list with the blog post with Actively Encouraging Open Government Engagement by Mike Gifford, Founder, and President of OpenConcept. In his short article, he is calling for public servants to look for opportunities to give a shout-out to those civic tech proponents who help make open government possible.



These are our top blogs from December … We will be collecting best Drupal blog post this year as well. Stay tuned.